Inferno: Earth, Air, Fire and Water

Three of these four sculptural works are from the series INFERNO. Like previous projects, INFERNO is research-base. This collection, “Earth, Air, Fire and Water,” exposes objectively measurable aspects of climate changes such as unprecedented wildfires, soaring temperatures, melting Arctic ice, and rising sea levels. INFERNO is data driven. Although the works are abstract, they are accurate representations of scientific records.

Arctic Ice (2024) from the series INFERNO; Acrylic Sculpture; 13 1/2 x 9 3/8 x 1 1/2 in.
“Arctic Ice” is fabricated from 35 separate pieces, each of a different height. These represent the extent of multiyear ice in the Arctic for the years 1989 through 2023.

Sea Level (2024) from the series INFERNO; Acrylic Sculpture; 11 1/4 x 11 x 3 in.
“Sea Level” is fabricated from 30 separate pieces, each of a different height. These represent the global mean sea level for the years 1994 through 2023.

Wildfire (2024) from the series INFERNO; Acrylic Sculpture; 15 1/4 x 5 x 5 in.
“Wildfire” is fabricated from 25 separate pieces, each of a different height. These represent the area burned by wildfires in Canada during the worst 25 years of the last 40. The highest bar represents 2023, when wildfires burned more than double the area of any year since 1983.

Elevation (2024) a transition piece; Acrylic Sculpture 7 5/8 x 11 7/8 x 9 in.
“Elevation” is Leslie Hossack’s first three-dimensional work. It is a celebration of her ongoing study of colour and her abiding interest in architecture. This transition piece is fabricated from nine “towers” of different heights. The base inside each tower is a different colour – colours inspired by the personal palette Hossack created for her recent series CONSTRUCTED RECOLLECTION. 

“Elevation” provides a bridge from CONSTRUCTED RECOLLECTION to Hossack’s new series INFERNO.